
Team Lekestue phase 4 XP RUN SUNKEN TEMPLE

Official event
Started 6 months ago
Lasts 2 hours 30 minutes
Swamp of sorrows
Signups closed 6 months ago
Created by Frankster
See setup
See assignments

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Team Lekestue phase 4 XP RUN SUNKEN TEMPLE
Da samles vi utenfor sunken temple for å samle litt XP når phase 4 dropper.
Vi satser på at det blir et smertefritt release og at så mange som mulig kan bli med.
Gleder meg å se gamle og kjente fjes igjen da det har vært en liten pause fra SoD i det siste.

Plass til 19 raide-og-XPglade mennesker så signer mens det fortsatt er ledig spot :D
Sees online! <3
Participants (20 / 24)


Tank (2)

1x Paladin 1x Warrior
kona skal på natteva (...)

Healer (4)

2x Druid 1x Paladin 1x Priest

DPS (12)

2x Druid 3x Hunter 1x Mage 2x Priest 2x Rogue 1x Warlock 1x Warrior


DPS (1)

1x Priest


DPS (1)

1x Druid
Forsøker å finne tid (...)


Healer (1)

1x Priest
På jobb

DPS (3)

1x Druid 1x Hunter 1x Warrior
Kveldsvakt :'(
Ferie. Tilbake 21. j (...)
Invite List

All the text in each textbox should be no longer than 255 characters, so they will fit in a macro.

The commands should be run in sequence, from top-down. The first two commands declares variables with all the names, and the last one checks those lists to determine if the player is in your group or not. If they are not in your group, the name will be printed in your chat.
